Actor Kim Seon-ho donates 100 million won to aged-out orphans


Actor Kim Seon-ho donated 100 million won ($73,200) for the self-reliance of aged-out orphans on his birthday on Wednesday. [TVN]
Actor Kim Seon-ho donated 100 million won ($73,200) to support orphans who have aged out of the system on Wednesday. This is the way the actor celebrated his birthday, May 8, for two consecutive years.

“Like he did last year, Kim donated 100 million won to help aged-out orphans become self-reliant,” the Korean Red Cross said Wednesday.

The decision to donate the proceeds of Kim's 2023 Asian Tour fan meet and greet was made in light of a vote by his fans in hopes of all helping to support young adults successfully get on their feet.

Using Kim's donation last year, the Korean Red Cross said it was able to provide 146 individuals with daily necessities, education, medical expenses and housing.

″Thanks to my fandom, 'Seonhohada,’ I was able to proceed with the donation this time as well,″ Kim said. [SALT ENTERTAINMENT]
This year's donation will be used to provide assistance as well, such as financial, emotional and physical support, to help the recipients prepare to be independent.

"Thanks to my fandom, 'Seonhohada,’ I was able to donate again," Kim said. "I sincerely thank the good-hearted fans who came together for this donation. I hope young people who are about to start anew will take their first step in society with anticipation rather than concerns, and that this money will be of the little practical help that it can be.”

"We will do our best to help young people preparing for self-reliance stand confidently as independent members of society," Kim Chul-soo, chairman of the Korean Red Cross.

Kim Seon-ho's birthday is also World Red Cross Day, designated to commemorate the birthday of Jean-Henri Dunant, the founder of the International Red Cross Movement.

To find out more about Kim Seon-ho, visit Celeb Confirmed!

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